Sunday, October 16, 2011

fixing up the house & packing

Preparation continues in our household and depending on the moment is overwhelming.

Ford provides us with a moving crew to pack our belongs in a large 20ft shipper as well as 550lb unit that flies with us. Beyond those items, Ford will pack our remaining items to another location for storage as we are going to be renting our house. This is where the struggle begins... what to pack and to where. I don't like waiting till the last minute, but I also don't want to waste my time packing when a crew will do it.

In the last two weeks, I have now packed up all of our pictures/art, books, holiday decorations, tax documents, all knickknacks (thank goodness i don't have many) and my antique dishware that I refuse to let a packer get near. Justin worked on the workshop and has it at cleaned up so we can begin determining what tools we will take plus have a place to pack some items to remain in the house with the renters.

Of course, now that we will be leaving it seems as though everything in the house has decided to take a crap. Here is the list:
1. Master bathroom - toilet flange broke causing major mess. Required tearing out entire bathroom to the frame. So this means new everything (shower, floor, tile, plumbing, vanity, painting, etc). It is now in the final stage and should be wrapped up this week. It has been in progress since June (arg).
2. Basement bathroom - drywall was showing water damage (note this is the only 4 foot stretch of drywall in the entire freaking basement). Required us (okay Justin) to tear out the shower and half of the drywall to find a crack in our foundation. Now that we have found this - we will be redoing the shower, drywall, painting, changing the door, adding a new built in cabinet, etc. Hopefully this gets done in the next couple of weeks before family arrives.
3. Spare bathroom - found that the toilet flange broke. Thank goodness Justin caught this much earlier and we don't have the damage. However, due to the terrible construction (note previous two items) of the house, it wasn't a quickie fix. Justin had to replace all of the toilet plumbing since they didn't have it installed at the right height and hence the breaking. (jerks). And to top it off (after 4 hours of replacing crap and running around to stores to get the parts), when installing the toilet we forget to pull the rags out of the pipes. So the next day we got to remove the toilet and start over again. Did i mention that toilet wax is disgusting.
4. Dishwasher - while justin has been breaking his back doing home repairs, i have been queen homemaker. Plus i am trying to use of our food before we are going. All of this means that the dishwasher is getting used much much more than usual. Of  course this means something should go wrong. The handle has now broken and randomly gets stuck up inside the door when you try opening it, which requires you to get a fork out and pry it back down. Hell no i won't be replacing this for a handle before we go. The renters will have to use a fork just like i am. :)
5. Washing Machine - Since working on the master bathroom (see #1) we found the plumbing to the washing machine to be wrongly installed and was running off of the same line as that bathroom, instead of the utility sink line sitting right next to the washing machine. No wonder I was always screwing with Justin in the shower while I was doing laundry (oops). We had the plumbing fixed, but now the washing machine when it changes stages of the cycle sounds like the motor is trying to go into orbit. I keep reminding Justin that fixing this is also on his list.

I swear we spend lots of time every week constantly working on our house, and this never ending list of things to fix up is getting really old really fast.

On a good note, I got to spend Saturday with my mom, Aunt Jean and my grandmother. We did the annual pie baking extravaganza. This was my and my mom's first time partaking in the adventure, so now I can mark this off of my bucket list.  Speaking of bucket list. I think my next post will be to officially post my always growing and changing bucket list. And for those who have been to the asia pacific region, please provide me your insights as to must see and do things while we are there.

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